My Missing Flies to You – Trio version (2024)By Jianing Song My Missing Flies to You (2015/2024) soprano/piano-9 minutesScore12/16/2015Guoyin Hall of the China Conservatory of Musicsoprano: Mingming Yang/piano:Fang Zhangprogram note“ 是谁拨动思念的琴孩? 是谁酿出思念的愁酒?”“Who plavs the strings of missing? Who brews the wine of sorrow from longing?’This song expresses the emotions I felt when I was awav from my hometownstudving and living independently in Beiiing. soprano/violin/cello/piano·9 minutesScore4/30/2024Manhattan School of Musicsoprano: Ya Gao/violin:Zixiang Lin/cello:Tianbo Zhang/piano:Xinchen Fan